Here is the Corona's medicine in India.The price is just 27Rs.
Is this medicine worth to take?
The price of this medicine just 27 Rs?
Another drug of Corona has arrived in India, it will be the lowest price medicine in India in terms of price, whereas it is only 200 mg.
Hyderabad-based Lee Pharma will launch the anti-viral drug called Faravir.
In the company's director told that we will produce it adequately so that no patient is deprived of its use, currently our goal is to make 60 lakh medicines in a month.
Manyefforts are being made to stop the speed of corona in India, in such a situation, this drug can prove to be a boon for India, due to the cost of work, people living below poverty line in India will also be able to use it easily.
Until now Faravir was used for influenza, but now it has been modified to make it useful for corona.
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